+30 28210 98827


Orders received by 10am are shipped the same day as the products are available. Otherwise from 1 to 3 business days. For handmade constructions we will inform you about the time required for the construction.

Secure Transactions

The security of your transactions for www.cretanknives.gr is a matter of top priority, so, we have selected reliable partners with the most secure and up-to-date electronic trading methods. The trust of the user – visitor who wishes to transact with our online store is demanded and we are moving towards this direction every day for the best possible result. We searched for the best solutions and came up with the safest methods:

Credit Card or Prepaid

At Cretanknives you can complete your purchases by credit, debit or Prepaid. Your transactions are protected by state-of-the-art security systems that guarantee a secure trading environment.

In the case of payment using a credit card, it is necessary for the holder to be present at the time of receipt.

Bank account deposit

Our company has bank accounts in the following banks:

Fill out your name on the deposit statement and contact us to confirm your deposit at our email μας info@cretanknives.gr stating your name and the bank where you made the deposit.

Remittance costs are charged exclusively to the client in the event of a transfer from another bank to which the account belongs.

BANK: Eurobank
ACCOUNT: 0026.0472.14.0200204800
IBAN: GR4902604720000140200204800

ACCOUNT: 5758-085268-072
IBAN: GR3901727580005758085268072

ACCOUNT: 495 / 001833-37
IBAN: GR1801104950000049500183337

BANK: Alpha Bank
IBAN: GR3001409070907002002015890

Cash on delivery

The cost of the deposit is 2.50€, in addition to shipping costs, and payment is made upon receipt of the products.

Payment at our store

In the area of ​​our shop you can pay by cash or credit or debit card.

The price of some eshop products may differ from the price of the store. To get the Internet price you need to place your order online.

Your order can stay in our shop for 7 days.

You can pick up your order from our store Karaiskaki 13-15, 73100, Chania, Crete. Contact number: 28210 98827

Shipping costs:

Greece ACS Courier:

  • Shipping: 3,00€ up to 2 kg
  • Delivery to Centers: 3.00€
  • Delivery to Inaccessible Areas: 7.50€
  • Saturday Delivery: 2.00€ Extra Charge
  • Cash on Delivery: 2.50€ Extra Charge
  • Extra kg charge: 1€ / kg
  • Charge extra kilos in an inaccessible area: 2.30€ / kg
  • For specific delivery time: 2.00€ Extra charge

1) Free shipping up to 2 kg for orders from 99€ and more when the area is not inaccessible. If your order exceeds the weight of 2kg, you are only charged the extra kilos (You will be charged 1€ for every extra kilo VAT included)

2) Free shipping up to 2kg for orders over 99€ when inaccessible but with pick up from the nearest ACS store in your area. If your order exceeds the weight of 2kg, you will be charged only the extra kilos (You charge 2.30€ per extra kilo VAT included)

3) Free All costs (cash on delivery, shipping, inaccessible areas) for orders over 500€. For orders from 0€ – 500€ 2kg and more, extra kilos are normally charged (the price of extra kilos may vary if your area is inaccessible or not), from 500€ and up for free and extra kilos.

Cyprus UPS-ACS Courier:

  • Delivery to Centers: 25.00€ (up to 1 kg)
  • Saturday Delivery: 3.00€ Extra Charge
  • Cash on Delivery: 5.00€ Extra Charge

USA UPS Courier:

  • Delivery to Centers: 45.00€ (up to 1 kg)

Canada UPS Courier:

  • Delivery to Centers: 45.00€ (up to 1 kg)

It is noted that the administrator has the right not to allow or not send an order to anyone who abuses a client’s right not to receive his order after it has been shipped.